meet the pit boss

I am a life long Texan, living in (and loving) Colorado.


My family and I moved to Aurora CO in July of 2019 to support my wife in taking a huge step in her career. I never thought I would (or could) leave Texas. I had worked for the same company for over 22 years and was planning to stay with them even longer. BUT like so many others, I was impacted by COVID and I could not travel like I needed to; and on July 31st 2020, I was let go from my job.

It took me a few weeks to get my bearings, but eventually I was introduced to my friend Shawn Sikkema with Jesus On Colfax. I wanted to visit with Shawn, because I had a desire to find a way to serve and help folks in my community. We met at a coffee shop off of E. Colfax. At a point in our conversation Shawn asked me if I ever thought about opening a restaurant. I said, I do have a BBQ pit on a trailer and an idea in mind…..

Salinas Family.JPG

I came up with the name “A Seat at The Table BBQ” after meeting with Shawn. Now it is my goal to eventually open a BBQ joint that honors the name by creating a place where everyone is welcome and has a seat at the table. Check out the mission page to see more about that.

I have a lot of pride in being a Texan. It is my desire to share my style of Texas BBQ with all my new friends here in Colorado.

The secret’s in the fire!

Although the pit boss doesn’t give out all the details, he’s spilling some of the classified information about his special BBQ process. Curious?